Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Reversing B Radioactivity and Lepton Number

To reverse B radioactivity as I say above another consideration is about lepton number, a quantum number that says the total lepton number before and after a reaction is the same.


e- ...............................................1.............................................. -1

e+............................................. -1.............................................. +1

mu- ............................................1............................................... -1

mu+.......................................... -1............................................... +1

e neutrino.................................. 1................................................. 0

anti e neutrino......................... -1................................................. 0

mu neutrino............................... 1................................................. 0

anti mu neutrino...................... -1................................................. 0

The electron has a lepton number of +1, and the proton and the neutron have 0 so the total lepton number must be +1 and -1 for the reaction to proceed on the side where the electron is to combine in. The electric charge before and after the reaction must also be 0 since the electron and proton combined add up to zero, a nice round number in the heat in the shade! Thus only combinations that combine to lepton number of 0 and electric charge of 0 may be of value. If we inject the electron with lepton number of +1 into the proton to create the neutron, the neutron has a 0 lepton number, thus to keep lepton number the same as for the neutron another particle with - lepton number and 0 electric charge needs to be added to the ingoing electron. Thus particles with -lepton number and also no electric charge are needed. From the chart you see the only two particles that fit this for lepton number are either the anti e neutrino or the anti mu neutrino.

It seems a neutrino, not a muon is best if lepton number is conserved.

The best option may be to merely aim the machine toward the sun, it radiates out about 1/5th of its energy in the form of neutrinos, about a billion per second through your lenses even when you're in PM hours, or especially when. While most neutrinos are not of high power and won't interact, there are high energy "cosmic ray" neutrinos that are seen with the machines here in 2010. Indeed, some neutrinos can change cause changes in the radioactivity of heavy particles.

While electron type neutrinos might be made by the usual way of the bombardment of protons to make heavy particles that then decay in the beam with reduced relativistic scattering, this takes a long conduit for the reaction. This possible second method may be improved in the years ahead as they are with more reduced size for the machine.
Another way to reverse B radioactivity if needed to achieve this may be the muon type neutrino, made from muons and so they are easier to make than electron type neutrinos and we might be able to first focus this and then energise it up to an electron type neutrino.

If this is not viable, as our savvy about how to modulate the weak force improves, we might be able to use the weak force current that is a current like the electric current with two charges and the mediating boson, so as in the history of currents like electromagnetism there may be complex ways we may change the weak force to allow the electron to convert to a muon type neutrino. Quanta are by definition non wavelike, and the neutrino being of the lowest energy is more nonquantum. Although lepton number like other quantum numbers is conserved, it may not be so well conserved as the more massive energy wells of the strong force or electromagnetism, because being more wavelike, it's more non particulate and more nonquantum, and it's possible it would be more common they would jump the well. So I think we might eventually take the high power fields of the strong or weak force to trick the field into making a lepton of the right type to then reduce the radioativity by way of of B radioactivity.